Assignment name
Commissioning coordination or Energy Centre part of Jaguar facility
Name of the client
Aldesa Construcciones Polska Spółka z Ograniczoną Odpowiedzialnością, Bratislava, Slovakia
Short description
Technical support of the Client and its subcontractors in commissioning and handing over to the final Client (JLR)
Services provided by company
a) Guidance & Strategy
- Input to construction programme to ensure commissioning activities are integrated into the work
- Identification & management of Commissioning risks & opportunities
- Develop commissioning strategy & commissioning plan
- Prepare strategy for testing, commissioning, training and handover including;
- on site pre-commissioning including static testing and equipment rotation
- full performance testing (site wide 100% performance test protocol for interacting facility
b) Production & Compliance - Tracking of construction progress & managing the transition into commissioning
- Reporting progress/status
- Coordination of commissioning activities between contractors
- Chairing regular commissioning meetings with all commissioning representatives
- Acceptance Testing on behalf of Aldesa
- Management of Systems handover and Defects Management (inc As Built, O&M, Training)
Technical data
Boilerhouse, Electrical room, Cooling systems, Presurized air system, Chillers, related I&C and electropart
Country, location within country
Slovakia, Nitra
Date beginning/completion
8.2017 - 10.2017
CHP plant
Type of service
Staff involved in the project
BARC Pavel